Marilyn Wann is Fat!

So? She is also one of my heroes.  I just finished reading Marilyn Wann’s 1998 book (based on her zine by the same name), Fat!So? Because You Don’t Have to Apologize for your Size. When I started reading Fat!So?, I began transcribing quotes and thinking about what I would write about this book, Read more…

Shelby standing proud. Her body is facing toward the left and her face is directed at the camera. There is a washed out rainbow (signifying LGBT pride) over the photograph.

Queerly Embodied

By Shelby Yaffe It was the summer of 2016, and I was at the hospital again. My nurse was eyeing me warily as I explained what I was feeling – “I feel like I’m living in a dream. I wake up and it never feels real. I look in the Read more…